Coaching for companies and teams

How do we help you reach your goals and overcome your obstacles?

Implementation of business team and individual coaching

Coaching for leaders

Coaching for teams

Team coaching and group coaching

For greater efficiency, equine and canine assisted coaching for the development of appropriate competences and preparation/management of changes

Energy coaching

Coaching with the support of various techniques, methods and tools (NLP, Gestalt, "Bodenarbeit", transactional analysis, Jungian coaching...)

Conducting workshops, facilitating and transforming business challenges

Preparation of employee development strategy (also by individual segments, e.g. high-tech staff, generation Z, 50+ employees, etc.)

Conducting workshops to achieve goals (communication, leadership, team cooperation, interpersonal relations, negotiation and sales skills, public speaking and presentation training) in the field of development of potentials, tailored to the client's needs

Consulting, creation of business visions, market entry and coaching support throughout the process

Assessment of employee engagement and preparation of programs for more successful and efficient talent management according to the "Include.all - Model 6" method (developed with our own knowledge in the European area)

Business counselling

How do the coaching/workshops take place?

The contractor and the client determine the goals in a joint introductory briefing; it can be:
• building team affiliation,
• management of internal states,
• discovering obstacles in interpersonal relationships,
• setting and defining business goals and defining the first steps on the way,
• introducing a new process,
• introducing a new product/service to the market and thus changing the dynamics of the team’s work,
• building negotiation/sales skills,
• building managerial/leadership competences,
• detection of obstacles in managers’ communication,
• review of mutual communication between team members,
• detection of “silent” or informal leaders,
• detection of limiting patterns (management, communication, mutual relations, delegation of tasks…)
• …

If necessary and/or desired, we also include psychotherapy techniques (Master of Psychotherapy) and/or mediation (certified mediator).

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