Leadership skills
How do we help you reach your goals and overcome your obstacles?
The role of the leader, tasks, styles and tools of leadership
- Manager – expectations and competences
- How to build the image and credibility of a leader
- Responsibilities of the manager
- Key tasks and activities of the manager
- Recognizing one’s own strengths and limitations in leadership
Situational management
- Leadership styles
- The diversity of colleagues requires changes in management
- Situational management
- Influence, power and building credibility
- Independence and commitment of colleagues
The role of the leader, tasks, styles and tools of leadership
- Manager – expectations and competences
- How to build the image and credibility of a leader
- Responsibilities of the manager
- Key tasks and activities of the manager
- Recognizing one’s own strengths and limitations in leadership
The importance and role of managers in internal communication
- The role and importance of effective internal communication for achieving goals
- Transfer of information between departments, up and down
- What employees need to know and what it means to them
- Consistency of communications and their relevance, matching with the requirements of the time
- Internal communication tools and channels
- Personal communication is irreplaceable
Communication with users and colleagues
- Leaders first among equals (communication channel)
- The importance of verbal and non-verbal communication
- The most common mistakes in communication
- Facilitating feedback communication
- Assertive communication with colleagues
- Active and reflective listening
- Empathy, sympathy and compassion
- Communicating with communication-challenged people, “difficult” colleagues
- NLP techniques and Milton’s model of language
- Motivation in a work situation
- Identifying motives and sources of motivation
- How to motivate individual target groups of employees
- The power of praise and rewards
- Intrinsic motivation
Work performance management and employee development
- Work performance management
- Determining work quality standards – competences
- Why We Shouldn’t Ignore Mistakes/Bad Relationships
- Evaluation errors
- Determining development needs and setting development goals
- Using feedback in improving work performance
Managing members of different generations
- New generations, new measures
- Models, psychological contracts, career anchors
- X, Y… who are these people….
- The specifics of generations
- How to act, motivate, lead members of different organizations
Leader as mentor
- Knowledge management and employee development
- The importance, role and identity of the mentor
- Principles of adult learning
- GROW model
- Methods and techniques of individual development
Conflict resolution
- Difference between difference of opinion, disagreement and dispute from conflict
- Perception of a potentially conflicting situation
- Triggers of a conflict situation (3K) – verbal, visual, vocal
- The process of compassionate conflict resolution
- Coping with frustration (recalibration of anger)
- Conflict management strategies
- Finding the optimal solution to the conflict
- Escalation of conflict and conflict between work teams
- Simulations of conflict situations and optimization of compassionate responses (interactive exercise)
Effective use of time, delegation
- Thieves of time
- Time management, planning
- Levels of delegation
- Obstacles to delegation and guidance for overcoming them
- Delegation log
- A clear and precise explanation of the task
- The role of supervision, management of the handling of rewards, praise
Regular annual interview (RLR)
- Involvement of RLR in the human resources strategy
- The role of management, HR, managers in implementation
- RLR: what, why, how
- Implementation in the organization
- Contents, possible questions, obstacles
- Performance evaluation
- Implementation tools
- Skills needed to implement RLR
Upgrade of the annual interview - introduction of the job performance interview
- What is the difference
- Recognizing past behavior
- • Recognizing past behavior
- Implementation in the organization
- Contents, possible questions, obstacles
- Performance evaluation
- Tools for implementation (feed forward, 7 key questions, real-time checking of the employee’s satisfaction level, setting goals)